The Appennino is full of natural hidden gems not far from Villa Bonicelli, definitely worth a visit if you are looking to enjoy the untouched beauty of the mountain’s surroundings.
Le Terrazze
Le Terrazze (The Terraces), located just 5 minutes away from Farneta, are a hidden gem, unknown even to most locals! It’s a panoramic spot that offers a heavenly view of the entire Appennino, especially during the sunset. The Terraces are a wonderful place for a picnic or just to sit and enjoy the view. It’s incredibly romantic too; just a grassy spot with no entrance fees or crowds around. Definitely worth a stop!
Golfarone Waterfall
The Golfarone Waterfall is formed by the Secchiello stream and is located near the village of Calizzo, close to Villa Minozzo.
The duration of the walking trail is approximately 15 minutes downhill and around 20 minutes uphill, contingent on your walking speed
In a setting of rocky formations, lies a small treasure shaped by time’s hand into various basins, now tranquil pools thanks to the water’s touch. Offering a thrilling 12-meter dive into the Secchiello River, it’s a captivating spot—a pocket-sized paradise.
Fonti di Poiano
The waters of Poiano appear as a series of streams and small lakes, where especially in summer, many people bathe.
Near the refreshment area, there is a fountain where you can freely drink these thermal waters.he Poiano Springs are the largest karst resurgence in Emilia-Romagna. Unlike the vast majority of karst springs and resurgences. Their main characteristic is the content of sodium chloride. To harness the thermal properties of the waters in this area, a structure with two pools at different temperatures has been built.
Ferrata Balze del Malpasso
The via ferrata of Balze del Malpasso is an easy route that unfolds along a wall bordering the Dolo river in the hills of Reggio Emilia. The wall is located in a scenically fascinating area amid limestone hills, Tibetan bridges, and waterfalls.
The route starts from Castagnola, a small village near Quara
Fonti di Quara
On the Dolo river there are several natural ponds, especially visited in the summer for the beauty of the surroundings.
in the middle of the 15th century, there is information about the use of the waters of Bagni di Quara, near which a plentiful spring had even led to the establishment of a ‘facility’ by the initiative of the feudal lord Luigi da Dallo. There are various references to its knowledge and use even in Roman times (so much so that the village was called ‘Acquarium’): the water was used for treating certain skin diseases.