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Terms and Conditions


These Terms and Conditions are applicable to any use of services offered in Villa Bonicelli booking-portal at


By accessing our websites or using our services you confirm that you have read, understood and agreed with all of these provisions.



1.1. Type of Service

Our platforms allow customers, to rent our villas on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.



All information (which may include pictures, maps, current or future projects, amongst others) is provided by Villa Bonicelli, which shall be the sole liable entity or individual. Villa Bonicelli Group will under no circumstances be considered any intermediary or agent or part of any agreement regarding published properties.


1.2. Additional Services (Alerts and Communications)

In order to make it easier for Users to access their searches, they can either subscribe to our alert service (for which it is not necessary to create an account) or create a User account.


As part of the service provided, Villa Bonicelli Group will facilitate the communications made through our portals between the Portal and Users interested in a property. Villa Bonicelli might send information to Users about properties similar to those previously requested, but the User may oppose such service at any time.


Additionally, Villa Bonicelli Group may contact you by telephone instant messaging through different channels. We may do it to verify that the provided phone number is correct. These channels to contact you will vary depending on the country where you are, but they can be, among others: WhatsApp, Viber, Line… etc.



1.3. Content in Advertisements

Villa Bonicelli Group is responsible for the content on the website and to ensure all facts are correct at the time of publishing the details of the propertis.


1.4. Activation and use of Accounts

Villa Bonicelli user accounts are for individuals only and not for, intended to or to be used by commercial entities to resell or market Villa Bonicell’s porperties.



Villa Bonicelli will ensure login accounts are kept confidential and not transferred, and will be responsible for any liability due to its disclosure. Villa Bonicelli will promptly notify Villa Bonicelli Group of any unauthorised use of its account.


Villa Bonicelli guarantees it will provide accurate and updated information and will be the sole person or entity liable for any inaccuracy or false representation made that may cause Villa Bonicelli Group or third parties any damage. Villa Bonicelli Group may, from time to time, request Villa Bonicelli to submit documents to verify any information provided.


Once advertisements are published by Villa Bonicelli, Villa Bonicelli Group is duly authorised to publish, list them or link them within any of their Villa Bonicelli Group websites or its Partners.


1.5. Links to Third Parties’ websites

Our websites may contain links (amongst others, links and banners) to third parties’ websites, which are not part of Villa Bonicelli Group. Such links are only included for reference purposes and Villa Bonicelli Group has no control over them, any connection to such sites or its content. Inclusion of such links shall not be deemed as a guarantee, validation or recommendation from Villa Bonicelli Group.


1.6. Blog, Posts and other information tools

Users understand any information contained in our blogs shall not be deemed as any guarantee or representation from Villa Bonicelli Group.


Villa Bonicelli Group is not responsible for any comments published by Villa Bonicelli, Users or third parties in forums or some of our websites.


Bonicelli Group may, directly or indirectly, provide information tools (by way of example, regarding types of mortages, costs and range of available real estate properties according to your salary, amongst others). User understands Villa Bonicelli Group does not warrant the accuracy of any resulting information as it is just given for reference purposes.


As User you understand Villa Bonicelli Group is the owner of the Villa Bonicelli website ( and of any design, structure, distribution, logos, graphic elements, source codes or any other intellectual property rights contained therein.


Unless expressly authorised by us, you are not allowed to compile, modify, reproduce, licence, reverse engineer or exploit in any form all or any part of our intellectual property or our websites’ content.


All content within advertisements is provided by Villa Bonicelli, which are responsible for collecting all preceptive authorizations or licences of any material regarding third parties’ Intellectual property rights. Therefore, Villa Bonicelli are the sole responsible persons or entities regarding any content in advertisements. Villa Bonicelli Group is entitled, without prior notice, to check, amend or delete any advertisement which we understand may be inadequate, improper or against current regulations.


User also understands, Villa Bonicelli Group is not liable for any breach of intellectual property rights regarding contents published by third parties.


As a customer of our website you agree:

If you are acting as an individual, you are not a minor.
If you are acting as a professional, you have legal capacity to act on your or third party’s behalf.
To provide accurate data during your account registration and not to publish or disclose your password and username.
Not to share inaccurate or unlawful information.
Not to breach our or third parties’ intellectual property rights.
As a customer, you also agree:

Not to reproduce, compile, copy, extract, distribute, transmit, sale or resale, amongst other commercial transactions, any content included in our websites.
Not to alter or manipulate or try to circumnavigate any security software or systems on our websites.
Not to breach these Terms or any applicable regulation.

In the event the customer breaches any of the obligations contained herein, Villa Bonicelli Group will be entitled to deny access to our services or delete your account, without prejudice to any other legal action we might take.


Villa Bonicelli agree to keep information to which they have access as confidential. This will not cover information you directly publish or allow us to publish.


Villa Bonicelli Group shall be entitled to report to any administrative or judicial authorities any illegal activity, without prior notice.


Villa Bonicelli Group reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions without prior notice, so we recommend you regularly read them periodically. We are also entitled, at any time, to amend or cancel some of the services we render.


Accessing or using our website after any amendment will be deemed as acceptance from your side.


Villa Bonicelli Group shall make every effort to make sure that our website runs properly. We cannot, however, guarantee that our website contain no errors and are accessible at all times without delay or interruption. Villa Bonicelli Group makes no express or implicit guarantees regarding any of its services, its websites or any information displayed therein. To the extent permitted by law, Villa Bonicelli Group, the User or any third party for any direct or indirect damage, harm, loss of profit as a result of:


Interruption, the reduced or temporary malfunction of the website.
Content, services or products offered by third parties or Villa Bonicelli.
Any inaccuracy, incompleteness or false data included in our listings or on third party websites or published by Villa Bonicelli.
Your breach of confidentiality or disclosure of passwords or usernames, if applicable.
Force majeure, fortuitous events, failures or errors in the communication lines, or for the defective rendered service or failure of the Internet. This shall include amongst others, incorrect operations, defects, damage to software, alteration or loss of information stored whichever its support and power shortage affecting the services).
Omissions, willful or negligent acts from the User, the Advertiser or any third party. Villa Bonicelli Group is not responsible for the content and/or information and/or data transmitted, neither originating the transmission, not modifying the data, neither selecting it nor the addressee, being, therefore, the Advertiser the only person responsible for any unlawful use according to regulations and these Terms.
The User’s use of the websites that may be against applicable legislations or infringe third parties’ rights.
Damages, of any kind, that cannot be attributed solely, directly and exclusively to Villa Bonicelli Group. Under no circumstances shall Villa Bonicelli Group indemnify indirect, consequential, punitive losses or any loss of profit.

These terms and conditions as well as any other interaction between the Advertiser, the user, our websites and Villa Bonicelli Group are subject to applicable law in the Countries stated in the chart above.


Any disputes or claims that may arise between Villa Bonicelli Group and the User, shall be resolved by the courts of the city in which each of our companies are based, according to the chart above, therefore expressly waiving any other applicable jurisdiction.